HOME Guideline for Poster Presentation

Guideline for Poster Presentation


You must be knowledgeable in your subject and answer questions during your presentation.
Presenters should mention the sponsors of their research, if applicable, in their presentation.
Presenters are requested to have copies of their presentation available as handouts. This is not mandatory, just an option for the presenter, to increase the impact of the presentation.
Your poster session will be held at the Le Meridien Chiang Mai hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Use the schedule below for mounting and removing posters.
Mount Posters: November 23, 2009 (8:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Delegate Viewing Time: November 23, 2009 (2:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
Remove Posters: November 24, 2009 (03:00 pm)
You must set up and remove your poster during the designated times. No exceptions will be allowed.
The final acceptance e-mail that you will receive will contain your ABSTRACT NUMBER for your poster presentation. You will use your ABSTRACT NUMBER to locate your poster board. Inside the conference hall, look for your ABSTRACT NUMBER on the top of the poster board. Your "ABSTRACT NUMBER" will be listed in the program book. You MUST incorporate your "ABSTRACT NUMBER" into your poster display. Meeting delegates will look for the "ABSTRACT NUMBER" to find your work.
You are required to stay at your poster from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (but not during the entire viewing time). Co-authors and/or mentors may be available to assist in answering questions; however, they may not present the paper.
Posters must remain up until the removal time.
The SEAADE will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the stated hours.
Use the following instructions when preparing your poster:
Your display should include your "ABSTRACT NUMBER", title, and author(s).
You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photography, etc. Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear visible graphics and large type. Color can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colors on white background and rich, bright colors on dark backgrounds.
The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
Briefly describe procedures and materials.
Prepare all illustrations neatly and legibly beforehand, in a size sufficient to be read from a distance. Hand-lettering should be at least 3/8 inch (1cm) high. Shade block letters if possible. Typed material should be prepared with large type. Remember -- a series of typewritten sheets attached to the poster board is not an acceptable poster.
It is helpful to viewers if the sequence to be followed is indicated by numbers, letters, or arrows.
Please do not write or paint on the poster board.
DO NOT use pushpins, velcro, or staples to mount your poster. The mounting material will be available for presenters on site.
Attach a small photograph of yourself to the poster so that other participants can recognize you as the presenter.
The SEAADE does not accept responsibility for materials left at the poster board after the removal time. Remove all background materials when you remove your poster.
Poster Size

Dimensions of the poster are 90 cm wide by 120 cm high.

Submission of your abstract carries with it the OBLIGATION FOR YOU TO PRESENT the papers at the time and in the mode indicated.
Failure to present:
Presenters who fail to present accepted posters may not submit abstracts for the next annual meeting, unless acceptable explanations in writing are provided to Dr. Suttichai Krisanaprakornkit, 20th SEAADE LOC, by emailing to seaade2009@gmail.com before the start of the meeting (DO NOT notify the session chair). Lack of institutional or grant travel funding is NOT an acceptable explanation.
After the program book is printed, your paper cannot be withdrawn.
Registration Requirement:

All presenters must register for the meeting and pay the appropriate registration fee by the pre-registration deadline date of October 31, 2009. If you do not register by the deadline, you will not be allowed to present and your abstract will be withdrawn from the final printed program book.

South East Asia Association for Dental Education

Office of the Local Organizing Committee
Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University
T. Suthep A. Muang Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
Fax: (66)-5322-2844 Tel: (66)-5394-4487 E-mail: csookta@chiangmai.ac.th