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Special speakers in Deans’ Forum

Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit

Dr. Prathip Phantumvanit was Former Dean at the Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University and Founder-Dean at Thammasat University Dental School. He was also Past-President of the Southeast Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) Currently he is the member of FDI-World Dental Development & Health Promotion Committee as well as WHO-Expert Advisory Panel on Oral Health.


Professor Johann de Vries

Professor Johann de Vries
Professor and Dean, School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, Australia

- Graduated as a dentists in 1974 at the University of Pretoria, South Africa
- Head of Operative Dentistry for 10 years.
- Became Associate Professor in 1981 and Professor in 1983.
- Dean since April 1991 in South Africa, Canada and Australia. (Medical University of Southern Africa; University of Manitoba; University of Adelaide)
- President of the International Federation for Dental Academics and Associates for a 3 year term.
- Chaired the first Summit on the Future of Dentistry in Canada.
- Chair of the CDA Council on Education
- Chair of the CDA Committee on Dental Academia.
- President –Elect of the Association of Canadian Schools of Dentistry.
- Deputy Chair of the Dental Advisory Group to the Federal Health Minister in Canada
- Member of the University Council, MEDUNSA.
- Member of the South African Medical and Dental Council
- Chaired a number of accreditation visits to dental schools in Canada and South Africa.
- Chair of the Dental Deans Committee in South Africa.
- Chair of the Dental Deans Committee in Canada.
- Member of the American Dental Deans Council.
- Member of the ADC Board of Directors and member of the Executive Committee.
- Member of the Steering group that organised the 2007 Global Dental Conference, Dublin.
- Received the Annual Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Dental Association 2006.
- Visiting Professor at Kings College London
- Member of the Academic Council at the International Medical University, Malaysia
- Member of the Advisory Board for IVIDENT (first virtual dental school), Kings College London
- Past chair-elect of the American Dental Deans Leadership Institute and member of the Board for a number of years.
- Member of the Oman Accreditation Councils’ Quality Audit Panel
- Member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Dental Academics and Associations, Washington DC
- Member of the Editorial Board, European Journal of Dental Education.
- Inducted as Fellow of the Pierce Fauchard Academy, The International College of Dentist, The International Academy of Dentists and the American College of Dentists
- Presented 186 Papers at national and international conferences and meetings.

Professor Rahimah Abdul

Professor Rahimah Abdul

Professor Dr Rahimah Abdul Kadir, President of SEAADE 2006-2008 had been involved for more than 30 years as an educator, administrator, clinician and researcher at Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaysia (1977 0 2007) and later on as a contract professor with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

She was the former Dean of Faculty of Dentistry UM prior to her official retirement in January 2007 and had contributed alongside her colleagues in the curriculum development of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in dentistry in several dental schools in Malaysia.

She was also a member of the Malaysian Dental Council and appointed assessor for Malaysian Quality Agency (2008-2011) which monitors quality education training programs. Currently she is President of the Asian Academy of Preventive Dentistry and on the national level is President, Malaysian Association for Dental Public Health Specialists. Her involvement in SEAADE goes a long way back for almost two decades. She is partially responsible for the initiation and development of SEAADE-GC Student Prevention Program.

South East Asia Association for Dental Education

Office of the Local Organizing Committee
Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University
T. Suthep A. Muang Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
Fax: (66)-5322-2844 Tel: (66)-5394-4487 E-mail: csookta@chiangmai.ac.th